State of Illinois


Pensions Consume Growing Share of State Revenues

On August 17, 2012, Illinois legislators adjourned a special one-day session of the General Assembly…


State’s FY2013 Budget Still Missing Significant Components

The State of Illinois’ enacted budget for FY2013 is missing key components needed to carry out the General Assembly’s spending plan, according to a recent filing in…


Civic Federation Releases Illinois Enterprise Zone Issue Brief

Earlier today, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation intended to add transparency, accountability and competition to the State’s…


Illinois Enterprise Zones: An Issue Brief

This issue brief examines how enterprise zones currently operate in Illinois. Enterprise zones are geographic areas designed by state and/or local governments to stimulate economic growth and create or retain jobs in economically depressed…


State to Seek General Assembly Approval for Medicaid Expansion

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision on national healthcare reform, Illinois officials plan to seek authorization from the Illinois General Assembly to…


Enterprise Zones: Illinois and Other States

As discussed here previously the Illinois General Assembly recently passed a sweeping overhaul of its Enterprise Zone Act. If signed by the Governor, the…


State Revenues Higher Than Expected In FY2012

Total revenues collected by the State of Illinois in FY2012 beat expectations by $576 million, according to an update from the General Assembly’s financial oversight commission. However, the same report suggested that stalled economic…


State’s FY2013 Budget Skimps on Group Health Insurance

The State of Illinois budget for fiscal year 2013 underfunds the expected cost of State group health insurance by at least $550 million, paving the way for a significant increase in unpaid bills unless more spending is authorized later…


States and Localities Consider Cash Balance Plans

As public pension liabilities around the nation continue to grow, public officials and pension fund boards are looking into alternatives to traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plans. Two kinds of “hybrid” retirement plans have…


State’s FY2011 Financial Statements Confirm Ongoing Financial Instability

Despite increased revenues from higher income tax rates and a…