State of Illinois


State Pension Facts: The Cost of COLAs for Illinois Teachers

In light of the State of Illinois’ pension funding crisis, it has become more widely understood that the annual Cost of Living Adjustment, or COLA, plays a large role…


Enterprise Zone Reform Awaits Governor’s Approval

As part of the spring legislative session, the Illinois General Assembly approved a sweeping reform measure intended to add transparency, accountability and competition to the State’s…


Update on State’s Backlog of Unpaid Medicaid Bills

State of Illinois officials expect unpaid Medicaid bills to decline to $600 million by the end of the 2013 budget year, but that prediction depends on…


Op-ed: Illinois Lawmakers Must Do Better

The following opinion piece by Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was published by Crain's Chicago…


General Assembly Approves Legislation to Close Medicaid Funding Gap

This blog post was updated on June 4, 2012 to reflect corrected information. With just hours to go before a midnight adjournment deadline, the Illinois General Assembly has passed most components of a legislative package designed to…


Civic Federation Urges Governor to Sign Legislation to Require Timely County Financial Reporting

UPDATE: On Thursday, August 2, 2012, Governor Quinn signed legislation to require all counties to release their financial statements within six months of the end of their fiscal year as…


Legislative Scholarships Update

The Illinois General Assembly passed legislation to end the Legislative Scholarship Program as of September 1, 2012—allowing lawmakers one more opportunity to award the…


State FY2013 Budget Update

With two weeks left to go before the Illinois General Assembly is scheduled to adjourn, two budget plans for FY2013 are on the table: Governor Pat Quinn’s recommended budget and an alternative budget framework approved by the Illinois…


Illinois General Assembly Passes Measure to Reduce State's Bill for Retiree Health Insurance

Faced with the threat of a significant budget gap in FY2013, the Illinois General Assembly has approved legislation that would reduce the State’s bill for retiree health insurance by shifting more of the costs to retirees. Senate Bill 1313…


Civic Federation Opposes Senate Bill 3564

On May 7, 2012, the Civic Federation sent this letter to Senator Gary Forby and the members of the Illinois General Assembly. Click here to read…