State of Illinois


Pretrial Provisions of SAFE-T Act Took Effect This Week

On July 18, 2023, the Illinois Supreme Court released a …


The State of Illinois FY2024 Enacted Budget

During the last week of May, after the Illinois General Assembly had been scheduled to adjourn, legislators passed four budget bills for fiscal year 2024: the…


Civic Federation Written Testimony to House Personnel and Pensions Committee

The Civic Federation submitted the following written testimony to Chairperson Kifowit and Members of the House Personnel & Pensions Committee on August 9, 2023.Dear Chairperson Kifowit and Members of the House Personnel & Pensions…


State of Illinois Enacts $46.5 Billion FY2024 Capital Budget

The General Assembly has approved and Governor Pritzker has signed an approximately $46.5 billion FY2024 …


The Illinois General Assembly Should Increase Transparency and Access by Posting Videos of Hearings Online

This week, the Civic Federation released its annual analysis of the State of Illinois Budget for FY2024. Among the recommendations made to the Governor and lawmakers was a call…


State of Illinois FY2024 Recommended Operating and Capital Budgets: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report. Click…


Before Enhancing Tier 2 Benefits, Evaluate the Financial Impact of Illinois Pension Proposals

On April 20, 2023 two bills passed out of committee in the Illinois House of Representatives that would increase pension benefits for Chicago firefighters hired after 2010. Senate Bills…


State of Illinois FY2024 Debt Burden and Credit Ratings

The State of Illinois currently pays debt service on four major types of bonds: General Obligation (GO) bonds for capital projects, GO bonds for pension obligations, GO bonds to pay backlogged bills and Build Illinois revenue bonds. In…


How the Composite Effective Hotel Tax Rate Is Calculated in Chicago

The Civic Federation released its annual…


Comparing FY2024 State Revenue Forecasts

On February 15, 2023, Governor Pritzker released the State of Illinois FY2024 Operating and Capital Budgets. The proposed budget noted revenue collections post-pandemic have continued to exceed…