State of Illinois


Governor Proposes Reduced State Funding for Local Governments and Mass Transit

Faced with rising pension costs and modest revenue growth, Governor Pat Quinn has recommended a reduction in State of Illinois funding for local governments and statewide public transportation. In his…


State Requests Extension for Cook County Medicaid Expansion Plan

The State of Illinois has asked the federal government to extend Cook County’s Medicaid expansion plan to ensure that recipients remain covered after the end of 2013. In a letter on…


State Pension Update: House Approves Limits to Pension COLA

On March 21, 2013, the Illinois House passed a bill that would significantly reduce the State’s pension costs by limiting automatic annual benefit increases for retirees and employees.…


State Pension Update: Comprehensive Reform Proposal Rejected by Senate

On March 20, 2013, the Illinois Senate rejected a proposal designed to significantly reduce the State's burdensome pension costs but approved a narrower measure that applies only to active teachers outside of the City of Chicago.…


Governor Proposes Corporate Tax Changes to Pay Down Bills

Governor Pat Quinn has proposed eliminating several corporate tax incentives to help pay down the State’s backlog of unpaid bills that is expected to total $7.5 billion at the end of the current fiscal year. The Governor’s proposal would…


Governor’s FY2014 Budget Preempted by House Spending Limit

On March 6, 2013, Governor Pat Quinn issued his recommended budget for the fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2013.…


New Pension Reform Proposal Garners Bipartisan Support

A bipartisan group of Illinois lawmakers has signed onto a new pension reform proposal designed to reduce the State’s massive pension costs.…


State of Illinois FY2014 Budget Roadmap

Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation, the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation releases an analysis of the State of Illinois’ fiscal condition. The FY2014 Roadmap includes a…


Governor’s Budget Address Officially Postponed to March 6, 2013

After months of uncertainty, the date of Governor Pat Quinn’s budget address for FY2014 was officially postponed through action by the Governor on the same day it was originally required by law to be delivered.   Although the later…


State’s Unpaid Group Health Insurance Bills to Rise in FY2013

Even though the Illinois General Assembly recently appropriated an additional six months of funding for State group health insurance, unpaid bills relating to the program are expected to increase by more than $200 million to $1.6 billion…