Federal Fiscal Cliff Could Have a Major Impact on State Revenues
If the U.S. Congress is unable to agree to an alternative to the automatic $491 billion in combined tax increases and spending cuts set to take place in January 2013,…
If the U.S. Congress is unable to agree to an alternative to the automatic $491 billion in combined tax increases and spending cuts set to take place in January 2013,…
On the final day of the General Assembly’s fall veto session, a bipartisan group of State legislators unveiled a new pension reform proposal designed to help resolve the State’s pension crisis. Governor Pat Quinn has…
UPDATE: House Bill 6253, which would lift the Illinois moratorium on Medicaid expansion for…
The Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability released a new report today that provides an overview of the condition and funding of Illinois infrastructure. As discussed in…
This report provides an overview of the condition and funding of Illinois infrastructure based on a compilation of various needs assessments from public agencies that manage infrastructure in the State including the Illinois State Toll…
Federation Calls Gaming Bill a Major Distraction from Pension Reform The Civic Federation supports Governor Pat Quinn’s veto of Senate Bill 1849, which would authorize casino gambling in Chicago and significantly expand gambling in other…
In its second annual report issued earlier this month, the Illinois…
The financial condition of the State of Illinois’ five retirement systems worsened in FY2012, with the systems’ total unfunded liability growing to $96.8 billion as of June 30, 2012 and the combined funded ratio declining to 39.0%. The…
The State of Illinois needs to contribute a total of $6.8 billion to its five retirement systems in FY2014 to meet statutory funding requirements, according to recent recommendations by the five systems. The proposed total FY2014…
A national report on state budget issues released this week details the ongoing operating budget problems in Illinois and highlights the State’s dire need to invest in its neglected infrastructure. According to the State Budget Crisis Task…