Pension Funding Basics: Assets and Liabilities
The most basic question about a pension fund is whether its assets are sufficient to cover total liabilities incurred. In this blog post, we examine the aggregate pension liabilities and Other Post…
The most basic question about a pension fund is whether its assets are sufficient to cover total liabilities incurred. In this blog post, we examine the aggregate pension liabilities and Other Post…
Information included in recent bond disclosures by the State of Illinois indicate that the pension obligation bonds (POBs) sold in 2003 primarily to boost the retirement systems’ assets have earned the minimum investment returns needed to…
The difference between a pension fund’s assets and accrued liabilities is known as the unfunded liability. The unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL)…
This week the City of Chicago released its Annual Financial Analysis for 2014. According to an…
This article discuses an upcoming $550 million contribution to the City of Chicago’s police and fire pension funds. The City’s…
This article discusses the City of Chicago’s 2014 Annual Financial Analysis released July 31, which reviews…
UPDATE: In addition to the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), two other large State of Illinois pension funds have also lowered their assumed rates of return on investment. Both the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and the…
This article discusses the relationship between property taxes, politics and Chicago’s drastic unfunded pension liabilities. Governor Quinn vowed to veto an early version of a pension reform bill for two of Chicago’s pension funds that…
This article covers the pension reform bill for two Chicago pension funds that Governor Quinn signed into law on the June 9 deadline. It was unclear until his signature whether the Governor would support the bill passed by the Illinois…