Illinois Bond Slump Seen After Pension Plug Falters: Muni Credit
This article examines the possible bond sale and credit rating implications of a November 21 ruling in Sangamon County Circuit Court…
This article examines the possible bond sale and credit rating implications of a November 21 ruling in Sangamon County Circuit Court…
Shortly after a Sangamon County Circuit Court Judge ruled that the pension reform law passed in Illinois almost a year ago violated the State constitution, Attorney General Lisa Madigan…
This article follows the passage of Chicago’s FY2015 budget by a 46-4 City Council vote. The Civic Federation supported the budget in its November 3 analysis…
This editorial discusses financial improvements made by the Chicago Transit Authority in the past few years that have led to a more fiscally stable agency. It cites the Civic Federation’s…
Report applauds level of public input in planning, warns of declining pension health In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports the $187.4 million budget proposed by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County. The…
Proposal reflects past work to secure pensions, modernize labor practices In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) proposed FY2015 operating budget of nearly $1.4 billion. The…
The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Transit Authority’s (CTA) proposed FY2015 budget of nearly $1.4 billion. The budget represents an improved level of fiscal stability made possible by the CTA’s efforts in past years to secure its…
Full Report Discusses Recent Progress, Fiscal Uncertainty Ahead In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $3.7 billion and praises the work of Board President Preckwinkle…
The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2015 operating budget of $3.7 billion for holding the property tax levy relatively flat and not including any new fines or fees. Instead, a $168.9 million shortfall is closed…
The provisions of Public Act 98-0622 will not go into effect until January 1, 2015, but the changes to Chicago Park District employee and retiree pension benefit levels contained in the legislation have already reduced the fund’s unfunded…