

State of Illinois FY2016 Recommended Operating Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes Governor Bruce Rauner’s recommended budget for FY2016 because it relies heavily on projected savings that do not appear to be achievable or prudent in light of the State of Illinois’ obligations and long-term…


CPS' billion-dollar budget hole leaves unappealing options

This article examines the options available to Chicago Public Schools as it faces a $1 billion budget shortfall next year with little to no reserve funds. As…


Civic Federation Releases Plain English and Visual Guides to Illinois Pensions

This week the Civic Federation released a set of two primers on public employee pensions in the State of Illinois. The primary document, A Plain English Guide to…


Rhode Island Again Close to Public Pension Settlement

Rhode Island recently reached a potential settlement agreement with most employee and retiree groups involved in litigation against its 2011 landmark pension reforms. The…


S&P eyes Chicago credit downgrade if no pension fix this year

This article discusses a warning by credit rating agency S&P that the City of Chicago could face further credit rating downgrades this year without the enactment of substantial pension reform legislation. The Civic Federation is cited…


Devil in the details with city finances

This article looks at both mayoral candidates’ proposals for addressing the City of Chicago’s financial challenges, which include severely underfunded pension funds, a high debt level and Chicago Public Schools’ $1 billion deficit. The…


Justices question 'police powers,' emergencies in pension case

This article covers the Illinois Supreme Court’s consideration on March 11 of oral arguments for the State’s pension reform law.


Illinois Governor Proposes ‘Hard Freeze’ of Pension Benefits

Governor Bruce Rauner’s recommended budget for fiscal year 2016 includes a new plan for reducing the State…


If voters knew doomsday was coming, would more vote?

This editorial discusses the significant financial challenges the City of Chicago is facing related to unfunded pension liabilities and debt levels. The editorial cites Civic Federation research and discusses recent reforms to the City’s…


Chicago Pension Reform Litigation on Hold Pending Illinois Supreme Court Ruling

Two lawsuits seeking to overturn a pension reform law for the Chicago Municipal and Laborers’ funds have been put on hold pending…