Employee and Retiree Health Care (OPEB)


State of Illinois FY2013 Recommended Operating and Capital Budgets: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports Governor Pat Quinn’s $57.4 billion FY2013 recommended operating budget, because it acknowledges the depth of the State’s financial problems and would put Illinois finances on the road to recovery with major…


State of Illinois FY2013 Budget Roadmap: Budget Overview, Projections and Recommendations for the Governor and the Illinois General Assembly

Prior to the release of the Governor’s annual budget recommendation the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability at the Civic Federation releases an analysis of the State of Illinois’ fiscal condition. The FY2013 Roadmap includes a…


State Closes the Books on Last Year’s Bills

Six months after the end of the last fiscal year, the Illinois State Comptroller is reporting that $5.2 billion of FY2012…


Civic Federation Blog Provided Local Government Analysis and Recommendations for Fiscal Sustainability in 2011

 In 2011 the Civic Federation blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on government budgets and fiscal issues across Illinois.  Posts in 2011 focused on FY2012 local government budget analysis and the severe…


IIFS Blog Provided Timely Analysis of 2011 State of Illinois Fiscal Developments

In 2011 the IIFS blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on key fiscal issues in the State of Illinois. Posts in 2011 focused on analysis of FY2012 Illinois budget negotiations, analysis of the ongoing Illinois pension…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2012 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation offers conditional support for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s (MWRD) FY2012 Tentative Budget of $1.0 billion. The Federation is concerned that the budget proposes the maximum increase to the property tax…


Cook County Forest Preserve District Pension Fund Funding Gap Growing

The Forest Preserve District of Cook County is the only forest preserve district in Illinois to have its own pension fund. All other forest preserve districts participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement…


Civic Federation 2012 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2012 include public pension reform, requiring the State of Illinois to develop and implement a capital improvement plan, dissolving the Illinois International Port District, creating a new…


DuPage County Budget Cuts Spending, Freezes Property Tax

Civic Federation Encourages County to Fully Implement Planning Policies (CHICAGO) The Civic Federation supports the proposed $434.7 million DuPage County budget for FY2012 because it cuts spending for the third year in a row while holding…


DuPage County Proposed FY2012 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the DuPage County Proposed FY2012 Financial Plan of $434.7 million. The County is reducing expenditures for the third year in a row while pledging to maintain the existing level of service and keep the…