Employee and Retiree Health Care (OPEB)


What’s Next for Local Governments in 2013?

A look back at the Civic Federation’s blog this year provides a preview of upcoming fiscal challenges for local governments in 2013. Pension Funding The most urgent fiscal challenge for Illinois governments continues to be the pension…


Emanuel may hold trump card in pension debate

This article discusses a potential factor in the City of Chicago’s work with its unions and the Illinois General Assembly to achieve sustainable pension reforms: the pending expiration of…


City retirees face health-care hike

This article discusses a ten-year settlement agreement set to expire on June 30, 2013 that requires the City of Chicago to share health care costs with retirees. The Civic Federation recommends that Mayor Emanuel and the City County…


Update on Recommendations for a Financially Sustainable City of Chicago

On June 30, 2011 the Civic Federation released Recommendations for a Financially Sustainable City of Chicago. The report offered a comprehensive set of forty recommendations to…


Korshak Settlement Agreement and the Retiree Healthcare Benefits Commission

Since 1988, the City of Chicago and its four pension funds have been party to the settlement of…


State’s FY2013 Budget Skimps on Group Health Insurance

The State of Illinois budget for fiscal year 2013 underfunds the expected cost of State group health insurance by at least $550 million, paving the way for a significant increase in unpaid bills unless more spending is authorized later…


Illinois General Assembly Passes Measure to Reduce State's Bill for Retiree Health Insurance

Faced with the threat of a significant budget gap in FY2013, the Illinois General Assembly has approved legislation that would reduce the State’s bill for retiree health insurance by shifting more of the costs to retirees. Senate Bill 1313…


Civic Federation Opposes Senate Bill 3564

On May 7, 2012, the Civic Federation sent this letter to Senator Gary Forby and the members of the Illinois General Assembly. Click here to read…


Civic Federation Position Statement on Senate Bill 3564

Update: On May 9, 2012, the Illinois Senate narrowly rejected Senate Bill 3564. The vote was 29 to 23, with one member voting present. Passage requires a majority vote of the 59 Senate members.On May 7, 2012, the Civic Federation…


Steven Malanga: How Retirement Benefits May Sink the States

This article discusses the negative economic ripple effect caused by pension funding crises in a growing number of states. It points to Illinois as an example and cites projections from the Civic Federation’s…