Employee and Retiree Health Care (OPEB)


State of Illinois FY2011 Recommended Operating and Capital Budgets: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes Governor Pat Quinn’s $52 billion FY2011 recommended operating budget for the State of Illinois because it is unbalanced and does too little to address the State’s fiscal crisis. The Governor’s recommended…


Governor Proposes Increased State Retiree Contributions to Health Insurance

The State of Illinois currently pays the entire bill for health insurance premiums for 90% of retired state workers. Under Illinois law, retirees with at least 20 years of…


A Fiscal Rehabilitation Plan for the State of Illinois

An Analysis of the State’s Fiscal Crisis and Actionable Recommendations for Governor Pat Quinn and the Illinois General Assembly Please visit the Illinois Fiscal Rehabilitation Plan web…


Civic Federation Sends Illinois Into Fiscal Rehab

Proposes Comprehensive Package to Address State Budget Crisis Please visit the Illinois Fiscal Rehabilitation Plan web page for a comprehensive look at the report. CHICAGO – The Civic…


Despite Deficit State Spending Still Growing

The Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability recently released its examination of the State of Illinois’ enacted FY2010 budget. The analysis shows that the State already faces a two-year budget deficit going into…


IIFS Blog Tracks Illinois Issues

Since its beginnings in July with the overhaul of the Civic Federation’s website, the IIFS blog has focused mostly on issues related to the Illinois budget, including…


Civic Federation 2010 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2010 include public pension reform, requiring state government to develop and implement performance measurement and a capital improvement plan, the dissolving of the Illinois International…


State Budget Woes Hit Employee Health Plan

The State of Illinois’ fiscal crisis has had a major impact on the State’s employee health insurance plan, delaying payments on employee medical bills paid by the State for roughly seven months and causing the State to delay paying…


DuPage County FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the $521.2 million FY2010 DuPage County budget proposal because it maintains funding for core programs while providing property tax relief. The County has additionally improved its budget planning process and…


Governor Requires State Retirees to Pay for Dental Coverage

As part of his efforts to rein in the State of Illinois budget, Governor Pat Quinn is requiring all state retirees to contribute to the costs of their dental…