

Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2012 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2012 Executive Budget Recommendation totaling $195.0 million, which includes both operating and capital expenditures. We commend the District for holding its…


Cook County Forest Preserve District Pension Fund Funding Gap Growing

The Forest Preserve District of Cook County is the only forest preserve district in Illinois to have its own pension fund. All other forest preserve districts participate in the Illinois Municipal Retirement…


State Pension Contributions in FY2013 to Exceed Forecasts by $535 Million

The State of Illinois’ statutorily required contributions to its five retirement systems will be $535.0 million higher than expected in FY2013, partly due to the impact of a pension reform law enacted in 2010. Required FY2013 state…


And on the 7th day, they rested.

This editorial discusses the lack of action so far on the part of State of Illinois legislators during the veto session to address issues in the State’s pension system and its backlog of overdue bills. It cites the Civic Federation’s…


Civic Federation 2012 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2012 include public pension reform, requiring the State of Illinois to develop and implement a capital improvement plan, dissolving the Illinois International Port District, creating a new…


CTA Balanced Budget Contingent on Labor Negotiations

The Chicago Transit Authority Board will vote on CTA President Forrest Claypool’s FY2012 Budget Recommendations on November 15, 2011. The proposed $1.2 billion operating budget closes a preliminary budget shortfall of approximately $277…


Civic Federation: CTA Budget Continues Difficult Process of Improving Financial Condition; No Fare Hikes, Service Cuts Contingent on Labor Changes

The Civic Federation supports the proposed FY2012 Chicago Transit Authority budget of $1.2 billion because it will set the agency on a more sustainable path. The spending plan will also avoid fare hikes or service cuts if labor unions and…


Chicago Transit Authority President’s Proposed FY2012 Operating Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the FY2012 proposed Chicago Transit Authority budget of approximately $1.2 billion because it ends the past practice of using capital funds to close operating gaps and maintains current fare and service levels…


NYC has an idea Rahm should follow: merge city’s pension funds together

In this blog post, Greg Hinz recommends that the City of Chicago consider consolidating its four pension funds as New York City recently did. The Civic Federation is quoted saying that the idea is worth pursuing.


Civic Federation Supports Cook County Budget for Improved Efficiency, Spending Cuts

(CHICAGO) The Civic Federation supports the proposed FY2012 Cook County budget of $3.3 billion because it reduces spending from FY2011, implements efficiencies and avoids raising broad-based taxes. The full 77-page report is available at…