

Illinois' Quinn Pressured To Roll Back Tax Increase

This “All Things Considered” segment examines the State of Illinois’ budget one year after last year’s income tax increase. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall said that even with the tax increase the State of Illinois still has an…


Unfunded Public Pension Liabilities per Chicagoan: $14,896

Data from the most recent audited financial statements of Illinois’ state and local government pension funds shows that the total unfunded liabilities for public employee pensions supported by the taxes of Chicago residents reached $14,…


Governor’s Three-Year Budget Projections: More Cuts and Looming Deficits

Governor Pat Quinn released a three-year budget projection for the State of Illinois this week that shows only minor improvements in the State’s…


Gov. Quinn Signs Law To End Pension ‘Double-Dipping’

Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was interviewed for this news segment on pension reform legislation signed by Governor Quinn on January 5, 2012. The law closes recently publicized…


Civic Federation Blog Provided Local Government Analysis and Recommendations for Fiscal Sustainability in 2011

 In 2011 the Civic Federation blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on government budgets and fiscal issues across Illinois.  Posts in 2011 focused on FY2012 local government budget analysis and the severe…


IIFS Blog Provided Timely Analysis of 2011 State of Illinois Fiscal Developments

In 2011 the IIFS blog provided weekly context, information and perspective on key fiscal issues in the State of Illinois. Posts in 2011 focused on analysis of FY2012 Illinois budget negotiations, analysis of the ongoing Illinois pension…


Civic Federation zaps Chicago Park District’s pension hole

In his blog post, Greg Hinz discusses the Civic Federation’s analysis of the Chicago Park District’s FY2012 budget…


States Reduce Automatic Annual Pension Increases for Retirees

In the past two years, nine states have passed laws to reduce automatic annual increases in pension benefits for current retirees. The latest example is Rhode Island…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Pension Fund in Decline

In this latest entry in a blog post series on local government pension funds, the Civic Federation analyzes the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago’s pension fund. The MWRD is the only sanitary district in Illinois…


Digging a pension hole

 This Tribune Watchdog report examines the Illinois pension crisis. The unfunded liabilities of the State’s pension plans have steadily increased for decades and currently total over $85 million. The Civic Federation comments on the…