

Illinois Pension Funds Deteriorate in Fiscal 2012

(The full content of this article is available only to the publication’s subscribers.) This article covers the Civic Federation’s updated analysis of Illinois’ pension…


State Pension Funding Dips to 39%

The financial condition of the State of Illinois’ five retirement systems worsened in FY2012, with the systems’ total unfunded liability growing to $96.8 billion as of June 30, 2012 and the combined funded ratio declining to 39.0%. The…


Illinois Pension Payments on Rise

This article cites an IIFS blog post that the State’s total contribution to its five retirement systems will need to increase by nearly $1…


City of Chicago Pensions See Continued Decline

As highlighted in the Civic Federation’s analysis of the proposed FY2013 City of Chicago budget and discussed in last week’s…


Total State Pension Contributions Proposed to Rise by Nearly $1 Billion in FY2014

The State of Illinois needs to contribute a total of $6.8 billion to its five retirement systems in FY2014 to meet statutory funding requirements, according to recent recommendations by the five systems. The proposed total FY2014…


City of Chicago FY2013 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the City of Chicago’s FY2013 proposed $6.5 billion budget which reduces the City’s reliance on one-time revenue sources while restructuring City government through better managing personnel expenditures.…


“Moody’s votes ‘no’”

This editorial discusses Moody’s Investor Service’s most recent downgrade CPS in the wake of a new labor contract for teachers and rising pension costs. The Civic Federation says CPS cannot afford to wait for leadership from the Illinois…


TRS Changes Increase State Pension Gap

The State of Illinois’ largest pension fund recently revised several key assumptions that affect the fund’s financial condition and the contributions that must be made by the State under Illinois law. As discussed…


Cook County Pension Funding Levels Fall Again

Trend analysis performed by the Civic Federation shows that the funded status of the Cook County Pension Fund fell again in fiscal year 2011, the most recent year for which data are available. The actuarial funded ratio for the County…


Chicago aldermen to meet over city's unpaid pension obligations

Chicago aldermen are meeting October 1 for a six-hour session detailing the City’s pension funding crisis. The Civic Federation said fixing the broken system will require shared sacrifice from taxpayers, retirees and current employees,…