

Moody’s lowers Illinois’ credit outlook to ‘negative’

On December 13 Moody’s Investors Service downgraded the outlook for the State of Illinois’s credit rating to negative from stable, citing pension funding pressures that are likely to persist or worsen in the near term. The Civic Federation…


Illinois really big fiscal crisis: infrastructure expenses

This article discusses the Civic Federation’s State of Illinois Infrastructure report, which found that State and local governments could need to invest more than $300 billion…


MWRD FY2013 Budget Continues Comprehensive Effort to Control Personnel Costs

District’s initiative in developing and promoting a framework for pension reform is a model for local governments In an analysis released today, the Civic Federation supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s (MWRD) FY2013…


Pension experts divided over Nekritz-Biss plan

This article discusses a new pension reform proposal introduced by Representative Elaine Nekritz and a bipartisan group of 23 co-sponsors on the final day of the Illinois General Assembly’s fall veto session. The Civic Federation said the…


New State Pension Reform Legislation Introduced: HB6258

On the final day of the General Assembly’s fall veto session, a bipartisan group of State legislators unveiled a new pension reform proposal designed to help resolve the State’s pension crisis. Governor Pat Quinn has…


Park District FY2013 Budget Continues Initiative to Eliminate Structural Deficit

Civic Federation cautions use of one-time revenues could undermine deficit reduction efforts In a report released today, the Civic Federation announced its support for the Chicago Park District’s proposed FY2013 budget of $410.9 million…


Chicago Park District FY2013 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the $410.9 million FY2013 Chicago Park District budget for limiting spending increases and continuing the District’s effort to eliminate its structural deficit by FY2015. By utilizing prudent alternatives to…


Give Chicago a Casino, but not before we get Pension Reform

This editorial urges the Illinois legislature to immediately focus on pension reform and supports the Civic Federation’s position that the…


Civic Federation Supports Governor's Veto of Gaming Expansion in Illinois

Federation Calls Gaming Bill a Major Distraction from Pension Reform The Civic Federation supports Governor Pat Quinn’s veto of Senate Bill 1849, which would authorize casino gambling in Chicago and significantly expand gambling in other…


Civic Federation Supports FY2013 Forest Preserve District Budget: Negative Long-term Trends Include Significant Decline in Pension Funding

In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports the $190.3 million proposed FY2013 Forest Preserve District of Cook County budget for its discipline in identifying non-tax revenue sources as an alternative to increasing the…