State of Illinois


Governor's Commission on State Pensions: The Interim Report on Near-Term Funding (and Civic Federation dissent)

Civic Federation President Laurence Msall is a member of the Governor's 2004 Pension Commission. The Civic Federation opposes the pension funding options recommended in the Commision's Interim Report, but supports many of the suggested…


State of Illinois FY2005 Recommended Operating Budget: Position

The Civic Federation supported the Governor's rejection of any broad-based tax increases but opposed the proposal to reduce pension funding by $527 million to balance the budget. It urged the General Assembly to hold public hearings to…


State of Illinois FY2005 Recommended Operating Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the Governor's rejection of any broad-based tax increases but opposed the proposal to reduce pension funding by $527 million to balance the budget. It urged the General Assembly to hold public hearings to…


Regional Transportation Task Force Resolutions

The Civic Federation supported some of the resolutions before the Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation Task Force. It urged the Task Force to consider the criteria of sound fiscal policy, improved service, and continued federal…


A Desktop Guide to State Revenue Sources: A Report to the Education Funding Reform Task Force of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus

This report provides a concise, objective analysis of the revenue structure of the State of Illinois.


State of Illinois FY2004 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supported the FY2004 $52.4 billion State budget because it successfully eliminated a $5.4 billion deficit without any broad based tax increases. The Federation reiterated its support for the pension obligation bond…


State of Illinois Pension Bonds

The Civic Federation supported the Governor's proposal to issue long-term debt to meet the State's past pension obligations because of the dire budget condition of the State, past funding inadequacies, nad the currently historically low…


Civic Federation 2003 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for the 93rd General Assembly include property tax assessment appeals, public employee pensions, Illinois Toll Highway Authority, Cook County Forest Preserve District, State sales and income…


Toll Increase Opposition

The Civic Federation opposed a toll increase by the Illinois Toll Highway Authority. No increase should be considered before the implementation of reforms including improved toll enforcement, congestion management strategies and…


Potential Financial Impact of Recent Decisions by the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board: Estimated Property Tax Refund and Tax Burden Shift Figures and Commentary

This report provides the results of several analyses and concludes that pending decisions by PTAB could create potentially large losses in local government revenue, and subsequently, significant tax burden shifts onto homeowners.