State of Illinois


Proposed State Pension Contributions Increase by $682 Million in FY2016

The State of Illinois will need to increase contributions to its pension funds by $682.0 million in the next budget year, according to preliminary amounts released by the State’s five retirement systems. Total pension contributions…


State's Operating Budget Continues to Supplement Capital Projects Fund

When the Illinois Jobs Now! capital spending program was approved in 2010 the State also approved a series of dedicated revenue sources intended to fund new borrowing costs outside the State operating budget. As previously sold capital…


Budgetary Gimmicks Allow Spending Increases in State’s FY2015 Budget

As previously discussed here, the enacted FY2015 budget for the State of Illinois includes several budgetary gimmicks intended to make up for the loss of revenues…


State of Illinois Education Funding: Analyzing Trends

Whether the State of Illinois has spent more or less on education in the last five years has recently been the subject of intense debate…


An Overview of State Intervention Laws in Illinois

Municipal bankruptcies are very rare but a spate of filings, including the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history by the City of Detroit, and ongoing municipal budgetary stress around the country has led to discussions of what, if…


State of Illinois Enacted FY2015 Budget: A Review of the Operating and Capital Budgets for the Current Fiscal Year

This analysis finds that the State of Illinois' FY2015 enacted budget represents a return to unsustainable fiscal practices including borrowing for operations and underfunding known costs. This spending plan will increase Illinois’ backlog…


Illinois Medicaid Enrollment under Affordable Care Act Nears 500,000

In the past few months, it has become evident that Illinois vastly underestimated the number of newly eligible recipients who would sign up for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. However, the fiscal implications of the unexpectedly…


Illinois Clears Backlog of Income Tax Refunds and Reaps Surpluses

As recently as 2011, the State of Illinois projected its backlog of unpaid income tax refunds could increase to more than $1.0 billion but by the end of…


Illinois to Fund Kidney Transplants for Undocumented Residents

A new law that restores certain Medicaid benefits previously cut due to budget pressures also adds a new service: kidney transplants for undocumented Illinois residents.…


Social Impact Funding through Pay for Success Contracts in Illinois

Despite its name, a social impact bond (SIB) is not a debt instrument and does not require a government to issue debt. Rather, an SIB is a social impact financing arrangement whereby funds are raised from private sector investors to…