City of Chicago


Estimated Effective Property Tax Rates 2009-2018: Selected Municipalities in Northeastern Illinois

Click here to read the full report.


Recap: The 29th Annual Motorola Solutions Foundation Excellence in Public Service Awards Virtual Event

Honoring Dr. Ngozi Ezike and Dr. Allison Arwady On Wednesday, February 10, 2021 the Motorola Solutions Foundation and the Civic Federation honored the outstanding public service contributions of Dr. Ngozi Ezike and Dr. Allison Arwady. Dr…


Selected Consumer Taxes in the City of Chicago - 2021

Click here to read this issue brief. SUMMARY This annual report lists and describes selected consumer taxes within the City of…


Civic Federation Calls on Governor Pritzker to Veto House Bill 2451

On January 21, 2021, the Civic Federation sent the following letter to Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, urging him to veto…


Consumer Taxes in Chicago: Increases and Updates for 2021

Annually the Civic Federation releases a report on consumer taxes in the City of Chicago. Consumer taxes are tied to the use or consumption of certain goods and services that can be charged directly to consumers through retail transactions…


City Continues to Move Forward with O'Hare Modernization Plan

This blog post provides an update on the status of the City of Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport $8.5 billion modernization project in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously depressed air traffic around the world, reducing airline…


City of Chicago Releases $11.7 Billion, Five-Year Capital Plan

On November 18, 2020, the City of Chicago released a multi-year capital plan for FY2021 through FY2025. The plan totals $…


The City of Chicago’s Property Tax Increase Proposal

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s proposed budget for the fiscal year starting January 1, 2021 includes a property tax increase of $93.9 million for a total property tax levy of $1.6 billion. This blog post will explore the three component…


City of Chicago FY2021 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report. Click here to read the…


City of Chicago FY2020 Year-End Revenue Projections

The City of Chicago expects year-end general operating revenues to be 20.6% below budget by the end of the current 2020 fiscal year, according to the City’s FY2021…