City of Chicago


Chicago's Sports Wagering Ordinance

On December 15, 2021, the Chicago City Council approved an ordinance (SO2021-3243) to regulate sports wagering in the…


Consumer Taxes in Chicago: Increases and Updates for 2022

The Civic Federation annually releases a report on consumer taxes in the City of Chicago. Consumer taxes are tied to the use or consumption of certain goods and services that can be charged directly to consumers through retail transactions…


City of Chicago Public Safety Spending

The Chicago City Council approved the City’s annual budget for FY2022 (which aligns with the 2022 calendar year) on October 27. The Civic Federation supported the City’s FY2022 budget totaling $10.6 billion in an…


City of Chicago FY2022 Proposed Budget: Pension Funds

The Civic Federation released its annual analysis of the City of Chicago’s proposed budget this week. Included in the report was a section dedicated to the budgetary…


Press Release: Civic Federation Supports Proposed City Of Chicago FY2022 Budget Amid Influx Of Federal Recovery Revenues

Concerns remain regarding pension funding and sustainability Click here to read the full report.


City of Chicago FY2022 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report.


Chicago Releases 5-Year, $11.2 Billion Capital Improvement Program

The City of Chicago has released a FY2021-FY2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP).[1]  The purpose of a CIP is to establish priorities that balance capital needs with available resources,…


What is the City of Chicago’s INVEST South/West Initiative?

In her FY2022 budget address, Mayor Lori Lightfoot highlighted the public and private economic…


Chicago City Council Approves New Police Contract

The Chicago City Council approved a new collective bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) on September 14, 2021. The FOP is…


City of Chicago Introduces Monthly Revenue Reporting

On April 21, 2021, the City of Chicago adopted Substitute Ordinance 2020-5902,…