City of Chicago


Savings Accounts of Chicago Area Governments

The Civic Federation analyzes the budgets of nine Chicago area local governments. One important indicator that the Federation utilizes to assess the financial health of these municipalities is their fund balance level. In particular, we…


Status of Chicago Asset Lease Proceeds

The long-term lease of assets by the City of Chicago is one of the most significant financial undertakings by the City in recent years. These groundbreaking transactions have received national attention and been examined by other…


Financial Challenges for the New Mayor of Chicago: Analysis and Recommendations

This report identifies the most significant financial challenges facing the City of Chicago and provides recommendations to the new Mayor of Chicago for ways to improve and stabilize the City’s finances in the short- and long-term. Those…


Status of Local Pension Funding Fiscal Year 2009: An Evaluation of Ten Local Government Employee Pension Funds in Cook County

This report analyzes basic financial data on ten major local government employee pension funds in Cook County. It is intended to provide lawmakers, pension trustees, pension fund members and taxpayers with the information they need to make…


Local Governments Need Transparent Long-Term Financial Planning

The Civic Federation often recommends that local governments undertake long-term financial forecasting and planning, which the Federation believes is one of the single most important financial practices for local governments to undertake.…


Civic Federation Provides Extensive Online Commentary and Analysis

In 2010 the Civic Federation blog provided comprehensive information about government and fiscal issues across Illinois for the public, government officials and media. In a range of posts on topics from the…


Selected Consumer Taxes in the City of Chicago: December 2010

This brief provides an updated compilation of selected consumer taxes, including rates and descriptions, in effect in the City of Chicago on December 1, 2010. It includes such taxes as the sales tax, gas tax, amusement tax, lease tax,…


Civic Federation Urges Governor Quinn to Sign Senate Bill 3538

  UPDATE: The Civic Federation commends Governor Pat Quinn for signing Senate Bill 3538,…


Senate Bill 3538 Police and Fire Pension Reforms

UPDATE: The Civic Federation commends Governor Pat Quinn for signing Senate Bill 3538, a bill…


How big is the City of Chicago’s pension contribution shortfall?

The City of Chicago contributed $423.9 million to its Municipal, Laborers, Police, and Fire pension funds in fiscal year 2009, an amount equivalent to 13.4% of payroll. If it were following a fiscally reasonable pension funding policy it…