City of Chicago


State Sales Tax Revenues Exceed Expectation

After two consecutive years of losses, the State of Illinois is reporting moderate growth in sales tax revenue for FY2011, which ended on June 30, 2011. Not only did sales tax revenue collected by the State grow but it also beat the…


Data Portals Help Increase Understanding of City Operations

  In the Civic Federation’s “Recommendations for a Financially Sustainable City of Chicago” report issued last week, the Federation discussed the importance of a government…


Recommendations for a Financially Sustainable City of Chicago

The purpose of this report is to provide the City of Chicago’s Mayor and City Council with detailed recommendations on ways to address the City’s serious financial challenges and create a government that is more efficient, less costly and…


Recommendations for a Financially Sustainable City of Chicago

The purpose of this report is to provide the City of Chicago’s Mayor and City Council with detailed recommendations on ways to address the City’s serious financial challenges.…


Alternative Service Delivery Needs to Meet Stringent Criteria

Alternative service delivery refers to any process that shifts some or all of the functions, risks or responsibilities for delivering a service from the primary government to the private sector or another public entity. When the function…


Capital Planning in Major Cities

A critical fiscal process for state and local governments is the planning and funding of capital projects. The literature on best practices for capital budgeting is not as robust as for operating budgets and there is significant variety in…


Fund Balance Policies of Chicago Area Governments

As explained previously in this blog a key indicator the Civic Federation uses to assess the financial health of local governments is the level of unreserved…


Profiling Chicago’s Debt Load and Trends

Among the many challenges facing City of Chicago Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel when he takes office May 16 is the precarious state of the City’s finances. The City has a large and increasing direct debt load that could be a major indicator of…


New Chicago Mayor and City Council Face Two Distinct Pension Crises

Mayor-Elect Rahm Emanuel and the newly elected Chicago City Council face a host of major financial challenges. One of the…


Bond Restructuring Key Strategy Used to Close Budget Gaps

  The three largest municipal governments analyzed by the Civic Federation are the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), the City of Chicago and Cook County. All three began their FY2011 budget processes projecting large budget shortfalls:…