Taxes and Fees


Effective Property Tax Rates: Selected Municipalities in Northeastern Illinois, 1999-2006

This report compares property tax rates in selected communities around metropolitan Chicago, and finds that effective rates for commercial property in Chicago declined by nearly 60 percent between tax years 1999 and 2006.


Civic Federation Supports Cook County Classification Ordinance Reduction to 10% and 25%

The Civic Federation supports the proposal to to amend the Cook County Classification Ordinance in order to change the levels of assessment to 10% for residential, vacant, and apartment properties, and 25% for commercial, industrial, and…


Estimated Full Value of Cook County Real Estate: 2006 Property Tax Assessment by Class for Property Tax Payable in 2007

This report provides estimates of the total market value of real property in Cook County from 1997-2006 and shows how property value is spread among the City of Chicago, the northern and the southern suburbs. From 1997-2006, the value of…


Chicago Public Schools FY2009 Recommended Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the the Chicago Public Schools recommended 6.2 billion dollar FY2009 budget because it shows restraint by freezing property tax rather than reflexively raising them to the maximum amount allowed under the…


City Colleges of Chicago FY2009 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation does not support the City Colleges' proposed FY2009 budget because it is unsustainable and relies almost exclusively on revenue enhancements, such as a maximum property tax increase, rather than focusing on ways to…


State of Illinois FY2009 Recommended Operating Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the unaffordable program expansions and long-term borrowing proposed in the FY2009 State budget recommendation, but supports the proposed 3% cut from non-priority agencies and other efforts to streamline and…


State of Illinois Constitutional Convention Fiscal Issues

This issue brief provides an overview of some state and local fiscal issues that could be considered at a new Illinois Constitutional Convention. The proposals described do not necessarily reflect positions of the Civic Federation, but are…


Selected Consumer Taxes in the City of Chicago

This brief provides a compilation of selected consumer taxes, including rates and descriptions, in place in the City of Chicago as of October 4, 2007. It includes such taxes as the sales tax, gas tax, amusement tax, lease tax, liquor tax,…


Civic Federation 2008 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2008 include public pension reform, tax increment financing disclosure, creation of a separate board of commissioners for the Cook County Forest Preserve District, school financial…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2008 Tentative Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the MWRD's FY2008 Budget because it minimizes the burden on taxpayers and demonstrates sound financial planning techniques. The Civic Federation is concerned about the declining funded ratio of the MWRD…