Rising property taxes could prompt a run on pitchforks
In this blog, Greg Hinz covers the Civic Federation’s Estimated Full Value of Real Property in Cook County report released November 26.…
In this blog, Greg Hinz covers the Civic Federation’s Estimated Full Value of Real Property in Cook County report released November 26.…
In a report released today, the Civic Federation supports the $190.3 million proposed FY2013 Forest Preserve District of Cook County budget for its discipline in identifying non-tax revenue sources as an alternative to increasing the…
The Civic Federation supports the Forest Preserve District of Cook County’s FY2013 proposed $190.3 million budget for its discipline in identifying non-tax revenue sources to hold the property tax levy flat for the fourth year in a row…
The Cook County Board of Commissioners approved the FY2013 Annual Appropriation bill (FY2013 budget) on November 9. The budget was approved with a 16-1 vote. The Cook County…
Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced September 29 that the City of Chicago’s FY2013 budget would not include any increased taxes, fines or fees. It will instead focus on reforms, cuts and efficiencies. The Civic Federation praised the City for…
Second installment property tax bills for Cook County residents are due this week, the earliest due date since at least 1977,…
On April 24, 2012, the City Council passed an ordinance…
This editorial discusses Governor Quinn’s moratorium on the State’s review of property tax exemptions for non-profit hospitals. The moratorium was lifted on March 1 after negotiators were unable to reach an agreement on exemption standards…
This article discusses the various proposals emerging in response to legal and legislative uncertainty surrounding property tax exemptions for non-profit hospitals. The Civic Federation’s…