Tax hikes have eased—but not cured—city's budget woes, watchdog says
This article covers the Civic Federation’s recent analysis of the City of Chicago’s FY2017 proposed budget. The Federation supports the City’s FY2017 budget because it…
This article covers the Civic Federation’s recent analysis of the City of Chicago’s FY2017 proposed budget. The Federation supports the City’s FY2017 budget because it…
This article discusses the Civic Federation’s call for a full actuarial analysis of the City of Chicago’s plan to save the City’s Municipal Employees Pension Fund and questions whether it may be enough. Civic Federation President Laurence…
This article discusses the cost to Cook County taxpayers of separate staffs for each of the 17 Cook County Commissioners. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall remarks that the situation lends itself to further examination and notes…
This article discusses findings included in the Civic Federation’s recent Estimated Full Value of Real Property in…
The City of Evanston recently released a white paper on the initial results following the dissolution of its coterminous township. Based on the results…
This article reports on the amount in tax increases that the City of Chicago will need to stabilize the City’s major government pension plans. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, says the tax hikes are reasonable and better…
The full market value of real estate in Cook County was approximately $499.1 billion in tax assessment year 2014 according to an annual estimate released today by the Civic Federation. The 2014 total value estimate represents an increase…
This report provides estimates of the total market value of real property in Cook County from 2005-2014 and shows how property value is spread among the City of Chicago, the northern and the southern suburbs. The full market value of…