

Civic Federation Provides Extensive Online Commentary and Analysis

In 2010 the Civic Federation blog provided comprehensive information about government and fiscal issues across Illinois for the public, government officials and media. In a range of posts on topics from the…


New report highlights Illinois’ state budget woes

This news segment discusses a recent report that describes the condition of Illinois’ finances as dire. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall assents with that assessment and adds that the State’s has few options to fix its fiscal…


Civic Federation Urges Governor Quinn to Sign Senate Bill 3538

  UPDATE: The Civic Federation commends Governor Pat Quinn for signing Senate Bill 3538,…


Future Effects of P.A. 96-0889 on MWRD Pension System

Today the Civic Federation released its analysis of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s FY2011…


Metropolitan Water Reclamation District FY2011 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s FY2011 Tentative Budget of nearly $1.0 billion. The tentative budget is a $681.1 million, or 41.1% decrease over final adjusted FY2010 appropriations. This decline…


Civic Federation Supports FY2011 MWRD Budget, Urges Reform of Deteriorating Pension Fund

CHICAGO — The Civic Federation supports the nearly $1 billion tentative budget proposed by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD). The District will reduce staffing levels and Corporate Fund spending as a…


Pols press Chicago, suburbs on fire, police pensions

This article explores the effect a bill that reforms police and fire pension benefits and funding will have on the City of Chicago. The Civic Federation says that the City’s pensions need reform.


Budget OKd, but…

In this article about the Chicago City Council’s approval of Mayor Daley’s FY2011 City of Chicago budget of $6.15 billion, the Civic Federation warns that the next mayor will need to make major cuts to cope with the City’s pension…


Senate Bill 3538 Police and Fire Pension Reforms

UPDATE: The Civic Federation commends Governor Pat Quinn for signing Senate Bill 3538, a bill…


Chicago Park District FY2011 Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the Chicago Park District’s FY2011 proposed operating budget of $397.6 million. The District is proposing to hold the property tax levy flat and maintain expenditures at close to FY2010 levels by using…