State Pension Contributions Grab a Large Share of Illinois’ Budget—But Just How Large?
A recent report shows that Illinois’ statutorily required contributions to its five pension funds are expected to total $9.8 billion in the upcoming…
A recent report shows that Illinois’ statutorily required contributions to its five pension funds are expected to total $9.8 billion in the upcoming…
For more than a decade, the Civic Federation has strongly supported consolidation of hundreds of police and fire…
2020 Civic Federation Legislative PrioritiesThe Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2020 …
Since the beginning of FY2009, the Cook County Pension Fund has seen an increase in its liabilities not covered by assets, or the unfunded liability, of nearly $3.8 billion. The increase is attributable to a number of factors and has…
A new pension buyout plan designed to save hundreds of millions of dollars for the State of Illinois in the fiscal year that just ended actually generated relatively…
Following an unexpected influx of income tax revenues in April 2019, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has dropped a controversial proposal to delay funding for the State’s financially troubled pension funds. The pension holiday, proposed…