Government Efficiency and Transparency


Separate so they can be Equal: The Case for Creating a Separate Board of Commissioners for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County

On February 2, 2010 Illinois will hold its primary election. The position of Cook County Board President and all Cook County Commissioner seats are on the ballot. Many issues pertaining to Cook County government have been debated during…


CTA cuts bosses, costs

This article explains how CTA President Richard Rodriguez has reduced the number of managers and personnel costs at the Authority. The Civic Federation is quoted commending Rodriguez’s moves to reduce spending, but expressed concern that…


Garbage Collection

This segment on the “Chicago Tonight” news program examines Chicago’s ward-based waste collection system. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was interviewed for the report. He says the City pays too much for the management and labor…


Civic Federation Discusses Chicago Garbage Collection

Chicago Public Television Garbage Collection 12/17/2009 Online edition This segment on the “Chicago Tonight” news program examines Chicago’s ward-based waste collection system. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was interviewed for…


Civic Federation 2010 Legislative Priorities

The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2010 include public pension reform, requiring state government to develop and implement performance measurement and a capital improvement plan, the dissolving of the Illinois International…


Forest Preserve District of Cook County FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the FY2010 Forest Preserve District of Cook County budget of $198.2 million because the District will reduce its property tax levy by $1.1 million and use a portion of its budget reserve funds, rather than…


City of Chicago FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes the FY2010 City of Chicago budget of $6.14 billion because it is unsustainable and relies too heavily on one-time reserve funds to close a $520.0 million budget deficit. The proposed drastic draw down of long-…


Measuring Productivity at the Chicago Transit Authority

While the Civic Federation traditionally analyzes features common to all local government budgets, our…


Cook County FY2010 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation opposes Cook County’s $3.0 billion FY2010 operating budget because it is predicated on the continuation of an unnecessary one percentage point sales tax increase and provides limited evidence of cost-saving…


Illinois General Assembly Passes Cook County Veto Override Measure

The Illinois Senate voted today to approve House Bill 4625, which means both houses of the…