Government Budgets


No Quorum for Cook County Public Hearing

On February 14, 2012, the Civic Federation blogged about its support for a…


Proposed Referendum to Merge County Clerk and Recorder

(See addendum: "No Quorum for Cook County Public Hearing") On February 14, 2012 the Finance Committee of the Cook County Board of Commissioners will hold a…


Fiscal Oversight Commission Lowers State Revenue Projections

In its most recent monthly briefing, the State of Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) published new revenue projections for…


Legislators Rarely Know Cost of Laws they Pass

(The full text of this article is available only to the publication’s subscribers.) This article reports that laws passed by the Illinois General Assembly are rarely accompanied by “fiscal notes” which detail a law’s financial impact on…


Municipal Bankruptcy

Municipalities and other local governments in the United States continue to struggle financially in the aftermath of the Great Recession. While recession has technically ended, revenues for many governments have not returned to pre-…


Five-Year Medicaid Projections Show Growth in Unpaid Bills

The State of Illinois FY2013 Budget Roadmap, issued on January 30, 2012 by the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability, relies on a five-year budget analysis…


Illinois facing “financial disaster”: watchdog

This article examines the State of Illinois FY2013 Budget Roadmap released January 30th by the Civic Federation’s Illinois research institute. The analysis warns that the State could see its backlog of unpaid bills rise to $34.8 billion by…


Tell us now, Governor

In this editorial the Chicago Tribune urges Illinois Governor Pat Quinn to address the future of the State’s budget in light of the scheduled partial sunset of the temporary income tax increase in FY2015. The editorial cites budget…


Report: Ill to have $35B in unpaid bills by 2017

Civic Federation President Laurence Msall is interviewed about the State of Illinois FY2013 Budget Roadmap released by the Federation’s Illinois research institute. The Civic Federation urges immediate action by the Governor and General…


Civic Federation:$35 Billion in State IOUs by 2017

Civic Federation President Laurence Msall discusses the Federation’s State of Illinois FY2013 Budget Roadmap in this roundtable discussion with Anders Lindall, Public Affairs Director of AFSCME and John Bouman, President of the Sargent…