Chicago mayor mum on looming pension issues in budget address
This article discusses Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s FY2015 Budget announcement for the…
This article discusses Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s FY2015 Budget announcement for the…
Whether the State of Illinois has spent more or less on education in the last five years has recently been the subject of intense debate…
(The full content of this article is only available to the publication’s subscribers.) This article discuses findings in the FY2015 State of Illinois Enacted Budget…
This article reviews the FY2015 State of Illinois Enacted Budget analysis by the Civic Federation’s Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability. The analysis found the…
This analysis finds that the State of Illinois' FY2015 enacted budget represents a return to unsustainable fiscal practices including borrowing for operations and underfunding known costs. This spending plan will increase Illinois’ backlog…
Spending Plan Halts Illinois' Recent Fiscal Progress An analysis released today by the Institute for Illinois’ Fiscal Sustainability finds that the FY2015 budget represents a return to unsustainable fiscal practices including borrowing…
As recently as 2011, the State of Illinois projected its backlog of unpaid income tax refunds could increase to more than $1.0 billion but by the end of…
A new law that restores certain Medicaid benefits previously cut due to budget pressures also adds a new service: kidney transplants for undocumented Illinois residents.…
Despite its name, a social impact bond (SIB) is not a debt instrument and does not require a government to issue debt. Rather, an SIB is a social impact financing arrangement whereby funds are raised from private sector investors to…