Government Budgets


Chicago Pension Reforms Struck Down by Illinois Supreme Court

On March 24, 2016 the Illinois Supreme Court filed its opinion affirming the Cook County Circuit Court’s…


Illinois’ State Budget Deficits Overshadow Continued Economic Growth

As the State of Illinois’ budget impasse continues to drag on, it is commonly overlooked that the underlying economy and tax base in the State continue to grow. In FY2017 the State of Illinois is projected to have an additional $631…


Court Ruling Leaves Chicago Empty-Handed on Pensions

This article discusses the recent Illinois Supreme Court decision to uphold a Circuit Court ruling that reforms for two of Chicago’s pension funds are unconstitutional. The Civic Federation says the ruling limits financial…


Ill. Supreme Court overturns city pension reforms

This article reports on the Illinois Supreme Court ruling overturning reforms for two of the City’s pension funds and the potential consequences for Chicago taxpayers. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, notes that the short…


City Hall Borrows $220 Million For Pensions

This segment examines the City of Chicago’s short-term borrowing to fund police and fire pensions. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall indicates that borrowing for pension payments is not an ideal situation.


Chicago Settling $390 Million Tab When City Can Least Afford It

This article discusses the Chicago City Council authorizing up to $200 million of bonds to help pay termination fees to exit swaps linked to its water debt. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall noted that, while this helps the city…


Emanuel’s risky pension assumption forces city to borrow $220M

This article reports on payments made to Chicago's police and fire pension funds using $220 million in short-term borrowing. Laurence Msall, President of the Civic Federation, called the borrowing an unfortunate, expensive, yet…


Proposed Illinois Budget for FY2017 Has $3.5 Billion Gap

With the budget for the current fiscal year still incomplete, Governor Bruce Rauner proposed a financial plan for the next budget year with an operating deficit of $3.5 billion. The…


Editorial: "A reasonable blueprint"

This editorial discusses the eight-month Illinois budget impasse, calling on Illinois General Assembly leaders to aid in passing a budget. The Civic Federation’s


Editorial: Horrors ahead

This editorial features recommendations found in the Civic Federation’s FY2017 Budget Roadmap and discusses Illinois’ potentially bleak future if steps aren’t…