Fund Balance


GFOA Recommends Governments Rethink Their Reserve Policies

The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recently published a report entitled Should We Rethink Reserves? A…


Cook County Unrestricted General Fund Balance at $869.1 million in FY2021

Fund balance is a term used to describe the net assets of a governmental fund and serves as a measure of budgetary reserves.[1] In FY2021, the last year for which audited financial information is…


Funding Status of the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund

This blog post examines the Chicago Public Schools’ contributions to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund in the FY2023 budget and the funding status of the Pension Fund based…


Chicago Public Schools’ Operating Reserves Continue to Improve

The Civic Federation recently released its analysis of the Chicago Public Schools proposed FY2023…


Civic Federation Supports Cook County's FY2019 Budget

(CHICAGO) In a report released today, the Civic Federation announced support for Cook County’s proposed FY2019 budget. The $5.9 billion budget proposal is structurally balanced without raising new taxes and continues the practice of making…


Cook County FY2019 Executive Budget Recommendation: Analysis and Recommendations

Click here to read the full report. The Civic Federation supports Cook County’s proposed FY2019 budget of $5.9 billion…


City of Chicago Reports Improved Fund Balance

The City of Chicago released its 2017 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) earlier this summer. This blog will examine the City’s Corporate Fund (i.e. General Fund) fund balance as a percent of general operating expenditures based…


Update on the Chicago Public Schools’ Fiscal Year 2018 Finances

*Note: This blog post was updated on April 13, 2018 with more recent information on the Chicago Public Schools’ short-term borrowing and cash flow position. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is heading into the next annual budget cycle for…


The Watchdogs: Pension funds lost millions on deals

This article reports on a real estate investment made on behalf of five of Chicago’s public pension plans, which resulted in significant losses for those plans. Civic Federation President Laurence Msall comments on the lost investment and…


12-Year Short-Term Liability Trends for Chicago, Cook County and Chicago Public Schools

Short-term or current liabilities are financial obligations that must be satisfied within one year. They can include short-term debt, accounts payable, accrued payroll and other current liabilities. This blog post presents 12-year trends…