Financial Indicators


Report Shows Chicago's Finances Fared Poorly Relative to Other Large U.S. Cities from FY2007 to FY2011

Over the past few years, the Civic Federation has blogged about financial indicators that can be used to measure the fiscal condition of local governments. The blogs were…


Chicago is worse off than most other big cities: report

This article covers the Civic Federation’s Indicators of Financial Condition report, which uses nine indicators of financial condition to compare Chicago to 12…


Chicago’s finances among the worst after 2008 recession: study

This article covers the Civic Federation’s Indicators of Financial Condition report that analyzed 13 major U.S. cities and found that Chicago’s relative…


City of Chicago Fares Poorly Relative to Other Cities in Trend Analysis of Financial Indicators, FY2007—FY2011

A report released today by the Civic Federation uses nine indicators of financial condition to measure the relative financial…


Indicators of Financial Condition: A Comparison of the City of Chicago to 12 Other U.S. Cities from FY2007 to FY2011

This report uses nine indicators of financial condition to measure the relative financial performance of Chicago and 12 other major U.S. cities from FY2007 to FY2011. In addition to Chicago, the other cities analyzed were Baltimore, Boston…


Working Capital in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to measure the financial health of local governments. In order to measure financial condition, it is important to…


State Pension Funding Dips to 39%

The financial condition of the State of Illinois’ five retirement systems worsened in FY2012, with the systems’ total unfunded liability growing to $96.8 billion as of June 30, 2012 and the combined funded ratio declining to 39.0%. The…


Current Ratio in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. The Federation is working on a project comparing the City of Chicago with a group of thirteen large…


Debt Service Expenditure Ratio in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. The Federation is working on a project that compares the City of Chicago with a group of thirteen…


Operating Deficit Ratio in Large Cities

This blog continues the Civic Federation’s examination of indicators that can be used to assess the financial health of local governments. The Federation is working on a project that compares the City of Chicago with a group of thirteen…