City of Chicago


Managed Competition: An Issue Brief

Managed competition is a form of alternative service delivery that requires in-house service units of a government to compete with external providers under a controlled or managed process. The purpose of this issue brief is to describe…


Direct Debt Per Capita for Six Illinois Municipalities

Last week the Civic Federation blog featured an analysis of long-term obligations for six selected municipalities in Illinois and their…


Unfunded Pension Liabilities Per Capita for Six Illinois Municipalities

The blogs for this week and next week will examine the long-term obligations of six selected municipalities in Illinois and their overlapping local governments using per capita indicators based on unfunded pension liabilities and bonded…


City Releases 2013 Annual Financial Analysis: Faces $338.7 Million FY2014 Budget Gap, $1.0 Billion FY2015 Budget Gap

Last week the City of Chicago released its Annual Financial Analysis for 2013. According to an…


Op-ed: Another opportunity the General Assembly can't afford to squander

The following opinion piece by Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was published by…


Changes to City and County Parking Tax Structures

As described last week in the Civic Federation’s blog, the Chicago City Council recently approved an ordinance changing the City’s tiered parking tax rates to…


City's New Parking Tax Rates in Effect This Month

On March 8, 2013, Governor Quinn signed HB5547, which gave home-rule municipalities and counties with populations over 2,000,000 (essentially Chicago…


Two Chicago Tax Increment Financing District Extensions Part of Economic Development Legislation

As noted in last week’s blog post, two City of Chicago tax increment financing (TIF) districts will be extended for another 12 years if Governor Quinn signs…


Extending the Lifespan of a Tax Increment Financing District

In the latest session of the General Assembly, the Illinois legislature approved extensions of two Chicago-area…


Op-ed: Why Chicago needs a budget cop

The following opinion piece by Civic Federation President Laurence Msall was published by Crain's Chicago Business on May 30, 2013. Wrapped around the recent…