City of Chicago


Estimated Effective Property Tax Rates 2005-2014: Selected Municipalities in Northeastern Illinois

Click here to read the full report


2016 Year in Review on the Civic Federation Blog

The following are the five most read posts presented by the Civic Federation blog in 2016. These posts examine issues ranging from local government consolidation to pension funding reform.  …


Civic Federation 2017 Legislative Priorities

2017 Civic Federation Legislative Priorities The Civic Federation's legislative priorities for 2017 include …


City of Chicago FY2017 Proposed Budget: Analysis and Recommendations

The Civic Federation supports the proposed FY2017 City of Chicago budget of $8.2 billion because it continues to work toward addressing the City’s unfunded pension liabilities and makes significant improvements over past financial…


City of Chicago Proposes Tax on Disposable Bags

On October 11, 2016, Mayor Rahm Emanuel presented his recommended FY2017 budget to the Chicago City…


Another Chicago Pension Fund Reduces its Assumed Rate of Return on Investment

Decisions by two of the largest State of Illinois pension funds to reduce their expected rates of return on investment have …


City Reduces Budget Deficit but Long-Term Challenges Remain

The City of Chicago recently released its mid-year Annual Financial Analysis for 2016, which provides financial estimates for the City’s fiscal year ending…


Local Governments Must Repay $168 Million to the State

In April 2016, the Illinois Department of Revenue announced that it discovered a misallocation totaling an estimated $168 million in…


Chicago Police and Fire Pension Funding Changes Become Law

One year after passing the Illinois General Assembly, a bill that puts the City of Chicago’s Police and Fire pension funds on a 40-year plan to reach 90% funding…


States and Localities Move to Eliminate Sales Tax on Female Hygiene Products

The City of Chicago and Cook County recently joined a number of states nationwide in a move to exempt female hygiene products from the sales tax.   At the Local Level On March 16, 2016 the Chicago City Council…